Thursday, October 4, 2012

And on Sunday...Monterey Bay Aquarium

The festival is just a day away! If you haven't got your tickets get them now on or purchase them at the event. It is going to be two great days filled with wine, food, music, and fun!

And on Sunday, nurse your wine headache with a visit the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium. Located on the site of a former sardine cannery in Cannery Row, this aquatic adventure is a MUST SEE in Monterey.

Their exhibits range from a larger than life Kelp Forest, to the brilliant Jellies Experience, and the famed Open Sea where the overhead aquarium makes one feel literally submerged under the deep blue.

Monterey is going to be overflowing with fun this weekend. Enjoy the 2012 California Wine Festival - Monterey Peninsula, and be sure to tell us about your experience!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Eat, Drink, and Experience Steinbeck

photo by: Samantha Decker |

Great wine and food aren't the only treats you are in for when you visit Monterey next weekend for the 2012 California Wine Festival - Monterey Peninsula! You will also be a living, breathing, walking John Steinbeck novel. The iconic literary figure based nearly all of his writings on people and places of Monterey County, calling the Salinas Valley, the "valley of the world."

As you visit Monterey County you will not only be able to experience many monuments in Steinbeck's honor--his child home turned restaurant and the National Steinbeck Center to name a few--but you will also be able to explore many of the places Steinbeck so eloquently spoke about in his stories. One of the most famous may be Cannery Row, which one of his novels was named after. On Cannery Row you can explore one of a kind shops, restaurants, and even wine tasting rooms, all while soaking in the rich literary history of one of Americas most revered authors.

For a detailed "Steinbeck" itinerary visit:

For more info and tickets to the California Wine Festival - Monterey Peninsula visit: